I don't understand Republicans are supposed to be business friendly and fiscal conservative however they shut down a small farm business raising Fallow Deer and allow the VDGIF to spend 12 million taxpayer dollars importing wild Elk
Bob Duncan and the DGIF are spending 12 million taxpayer dollars to bring Elk to Virginia. It cost 2.9 million the first year and 810,000 thousand a year to maintain the herd. They tried it once before bringing in two different groups of Elk the ones who did not die in transit soon disappeared for various reasons. A year after they brought the first herd in the Virginia Game Commission questioned the wisdom of encouraging elk establishment primarily because of agricultural complaints.
My neighbor who helps me on the farm when I need a third hand was just released from the hospital seems the stress of watching the deer carried off allowed his cold to turn into pneumonia he is now at home on a heart monitor please keep him in your prayers
I would like anyone to tell me what risk Fallow Farms bring that Cattle farms don't.
You tell me is it easier to controll disease in farmed animals or wild animals
Go to my Fallow and disease page for more Information
Bob Duncan Director of the VDGIF states there is no way anyone is going to get a permit for Fallow Farming because of the risk of disease How do the other 48 states handle this problem Nevada is the only other state in the country that has no reported Deer Farms. Pennsylvania has over 1000 deer farms controled by the Department of Agriculture they do not have any reported cases of CWD Virginia deer controlled by Bob Duncan has CWD Maybe the VDGIF can not do their job.
The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries deals with wild animals but is trying desperately to hold control over Fallows even though they are livestock and should be controlled by the Virginia Department of Agriculture who deal with domestic animals. By keeping control they can justify their over-inflated budget
Pennsylvania has over 1000 Deer Farms managed by their Dept. of Agriculture not their Game Commission. Estimated revenue over One hundred Million Dollars in 2007. As of today they have no reported cases of CWD in the farmed or wild deer
Deer farming, as a regulated alternative livestock industry, is a $1 billion industry in Michigan.
I am getting some interest in the media hopefully I will get some help changing the law so my Fallows have not died in vane.